About Me And This Blog

This is me

There I am

So, here’s basically what’s going on with this:

I’m just going to explain my situation and I’ll come back and edit this later. Maybe.

Growing up I wanted to be an actress. I went to the HS of Performing Arts in NY and learned I did not want to pursue it as a career strictly because of the non-performing business side of it.  I just hate that shit.  I’m not even sure why.

Its like theres this level of obnoxiousness that you are required to be in order to succeed.  And if you’re not an obnoxious in-your-face type of person, which many actors aren’t (believe it or not), you still have to behave that way in order to get anywhere.   If you meet someone at a friend’s Christmas party and he happens to mention that he works for a casting director, you better get your resume and headshot into his fucking hand a.s.a.p. REGARDLESS of the fact that you can tell from his face and body language that the poor guy just wants to enjoy himself at the party and has no interest in seeing another actors shit.  But it doesn’t matter- you need to get your name out there so put your wine down and get your fucking tap shoes because you can’t miss out on an opportunity like this.

And its that stuff that I can’t do.  I’m not saying no one should do that – I’m just saying I personally can’t.  Different strokes for different folks.

So I decided not to try a career in acting- though I still do occasional things like seasonally performing a variety of insane roles for Nightmare (which is basically a theatrical version of an interactive walk-through type of haunted house attraction) which I’ve been doing for 7 years.  But thats really because of the uniqueness of it and the amazing people involved.  I’ll do an entry about Nightmare at some point. Its some crazy shit.

Me in Nightmare: Bad Dreams 2008

Me in ‘Nightmare: Bad Dreams’ 2008

So now I do stand-up here in NYC (not as a job), which definitely overlaps with acting.  I’m decent at it – there’s still a lot for me to learn but I definitely “get it.” I’m confident that I could make a living as a comedian IF I decided to really pursue it 100%.  Pursuing it 100% means going up somewhere every night, spending all of my free time performing and/or convincing other people to let me perform (which often means getting friends to dish out $40 to come as audience and sit through 2 hours of horrendous painfully bad comedy surrounding your 5 minutes), networking within that scene, promoting myself all over everywhere and living and breathing stand-up comedy.

Now the problem is that all those things I just wrote kind of make me want to vomit.  Not vomit as hard as the acting lifestyle does – but vomit nonetheless.  Its just unappealing as fuck and I guess that means I don’t love doing stand-up enough to really devote my life to it?  I don’t know.  I’m figuring this all out now. But basically I kind of feel the same way about pursuing comedy as I do about pursuing acting.

I’m also moving to Pennsylvania with my girlfriend (and our dog and cat and ferret) at the end of this month. (Its a good thing because I hate NYC.)  At first I didn’t know how close to Philadelphia we’d be, so, assuming I wouldn’t be doing stand-up anymore, I decided I was going to start blogging as my new stand-up.  And thats what I’m doing now.  Lets see how I feel about writing.  Maybe a little more my speed?

Me again

This pretty much sums it up

Either way, enjoy.


2 Responses to About Me And This Blog

  1. whinybaby says:

    I love everything about this. And that photobooth masterpiece too. —–>

    • julietjoyce says:

      Thank you 🙂 Haha yeah that was at my girlfriend’s brother’s wedding. I didn’t tell them about it- I just waited for them to find it in the big book they got afterwords lol among all the nice normal ones

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